Best Buy:

Nintendo Wii:
Bigs 2 – $39.99
Guitar Hero Smash Hits $29.99
Indiana Jones – $19.99

Nintendo DS:
G-Force – $19.99
GI JOE – $19.99
Harry Potter – $19.99

DSi $169.99 *

* Buy a DSi get Puffins or Drama Queens for free.


Nintendo Wii:
EA Sports Active $49.99
Madden NFL $49.99
Spectrobes: Origins $49.99 (Available Tuesday at 8am)
Wii Fit $89.99
Wii Sports Resort $49.99

Wii System $249.99 *

Nunchuk $19.99
Remote $39.99
Wii MotionPlus $19.99

Free $5 GiftCard wih game reservation & purchase! Games Listed; Imagine Sweet 16 (DS), MySims Agents (DS), Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes, Guitar Hero 5 (Wii), Toy Story Mania! (Wii) and The Beatles: Rock Band

* Free $20 Target GiftCard.

Nintendo DS:
None Listed

Fry’s (Houston):

Nintendo Wii:
Active Life: Extreme Challenge $49.99
Wii Sports Resort $43.78

Nintendo DS:
None Listed
