Ubisoft CEO: Watch Dogs will be the last Mature Wii U game for Ubisoft
Since the launch of the Wii U Nintendo fans and Ubisoft had a rocky relationship. For some that relationship will probably explode.
According to Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot Nintendo fans don’t buy Assassins Creed.
“It’s very simple. What we see is that Nintendo customers don’t buy Assassin’s Creed. Last year, we sold in very small numbers.”
According to a GameInformer report – The Wii U only accounts for just 3 percent of the total Ubisoft sales for 2013/2014. Because of this Guillemot announced Watch Dogs would be the last mature game Ubisoft would make for the Wii U for the foreseeable future.
Guillemot goes on to explain that Ubisoft would shift their focus on games more like Just Dance. (Read “More for the casual fan)
“What we see is that they are very interested in Just Dance, very interested by other kinds of games,” “So what we are trying to do is to focus more on the types of games they are interested in.”
We would love to hear your reaction to this news in the comments below.
August 21, 2014
This is a bunch of bologna. I wish publishers would stop downing on the Wii U and just give it a chance. Let sales pick up. Wii U is just starting to gain a little footing and publishers are just giving up on it right when it needs their support the most.
Those numbers are likely due to the fact that Ubisoft was jerking fans around with release dates and half-hearted releases. I would be very surprised if Wii U owners received any DLC for Watch Dogs. The game is already going to suffer on the Wii U because it has been delayed several months after the release on all other platforms. Heck, I don’t even think we have a confirmed release date for the Wii U version yet.
I have to step off the soap box or else my head might explode. Ubisoft and everyone else (all the other third parties) are stomping all over the Wii U and could care less about Nintendo’s share of the industry. It is disappointing. I’m just glad that Nintendo makes their own AAA games and then there is the indie scene as well, which is thankfully thriving on Wii U.
August 21, 2014
honestly, it’s understandable in my opinion. their games just don’t sell, I don’t think it’s that much their fault… it’s a shame because the Wii U is such a great platform… but it’s understandable that they’re focusing on platforms that sell better.
August 22, 2014
I don’t understand it, cause you bring games that are not the same as the other versions. And sometime the games comes later, some fans are dumb but some not. Games missing DLC’s, games missing online modes, afcourse it doesn’t sell…….question, if you got a PS3 oe 360, and the games are better on those platforms, do you gonna buy it for the WiiU?
August 22, 2014
I don’t have a PS3, Xbox 360, PS4, or Xbox One. I have a Wii U and a 3DS. So yes, I would buy it on the Wii U. I am one instance of a gamer missing out on games because the third party publishers suck. I am sure there are other people like myself out there.
August 21, 2014
4% doesn’t seem that low, considering the lower install base of the Wii U, IMO. Also, was there any mention of other platforms being dropped, like PS Vita with only 2%??
I TOTALLY agree with J-money that there were other factors, like the delayed releases and half-hearted-ness generally towards Wii U/Nintendo fans. Yes, it’s business and you can understand the rationale but at the end of the day, they are just alienating more people from their brands. I haven’t actually played Assassin’s Creed before, and 3 and 4 were on sale on the eShop last week (in Australia) – I was tempted but why should I support them any more? I rather support the indie developers that do support the platform, and there are some great titles out there right now.
My 2c :)
August 22, 2014
It’s like for two years Wii U fans have been in an abusive relationship with Ubisoft where they have lied and cheatd on us, and NOW they have the nerve to ask why WE don’t love THEM more.
Good riddance Ubi. You’re not getting your Rayman Legends back.
September 9, 2014
I’m 41, have a Wii U that it played by my son’s and I. We don’t own a X box or play station and wouldn’t want to. We own several ubisoft titles like Rayman Legends, Zombi U, Assasins Creed III, AND Black Flag. I have always loved ubisoft games but very upset that they would give up on Nintendo at this point. The Wii U is a awesome unique system that is picking up on sales. Please don’t abandon us Wii U gamers. Please