Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Released March 2008)
Current Rank: #1 Last Month’s Rank: #1

Raw data for “Super Smash Bros. Brawl” usage

Average time played per player:
As of 1/1: 64 hours, 51 minutes (up 41 minutes)
As of 12/1: 64 hours, 10 minutes
As of 11/2: 62 hours, 44 minutes
As of 10/5: 61 hours, 24 minutes
As of 9/1: 59 hours 59 minutes

Average number of sessions per player:
As of 1/1: 27.97 sessions (up .59 sessions )
As of 12/1: 27.38 sessions
As of 11/2: 26.40
As of 10/5: 25.54
As of 9/1: 24.65

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