“This is the year of Star Wars. Clone Wars bridges the gap between Episodes Two and Three, whereas The Force Unleashed is set between Episodes Three and Four. Both add great depth to the whole saga of Star Wars.” – LucasArts’ international marketing manager Sharon Cook

“The Force Unleashed is the biggest game of the year for LucasArts. It’s the next instalment of Star Wars so expectations are huge. This is a big licensing event, as you’d expect with anything Star Wars related. There are toys, books, graphic novels, there is LEGO; there’s tonnes of stuff. In terms of marketing we are going to be looking at events, and things you wouldn’t necessarily expect. We’ve got some good ideas coming from other territories, and what we’re going to do is put it all together and make it global.” – European marketing manager Amanda Welch

I am excited for the Force Unleashed and the Clone Wars. This is a great year to be a Star Wars fan. Now if only a new KOTOR game is anounced. Did anyone see the Clone Wars trailer during Iron Man?
