A portion  of an  interview with  Paradise’s producer Nick Channon

Building a whole new game from scratch was a big risk and certainly a departure from previous Burnout efforts. What have you learnt from that experience?

Channon: If you look at the current suite of platforms – PS3, 360, Wii and DS – you just can’t make the same game across those platforms. That’s a real change. In the past that’s been possible. Fundamentally the games have to be very different.

On 360 and PS3 that games can be the same but on Wii and DS they have to be very different. We couldn’t put Burnout Paradise onto those platforms as it stands right now.

That’s changed massively. You have to have different teams working on those games to make the perfect game for those platforms. That’s something as a company EA is taking very seriously. If you look at Playground and look at Boogie they’re very different from platform to platform.

So it’d be fair to say you’re looking at different avenues for Burnout on Wii and DS?

Channon: We’ll see. All I’m saying is we couldn’t put Burnout Paradise as it stands on PS3 and 360 onto those platforms.

Read Full Interview HERE