After speaking with Pure Nintendo, Co-Founder and Director of Renegade Kid, Jools Watsham, has revealed why Treasurenauts has yet to be released and when Nintendo 3DS owners can expect to play the videogame.

“The scope of the game has grown”, stated Watsham, while discussing how the videogames premise was to collect $1 Million dollars worth of treasure in one-hour. However, fan feedback had requested a more leisure experience, which developers at Renegade Kid plan to deliver in a separate mode along with multiplayer.

“Release date wise, honestly, it’s going to be next year”, Watsham replied in regards to the videogames release date and will likely hit Nintendo 3DS within the first or second quarter of 2016.

Treasurenauts was revealed in 2013 and is currently exclusive to the Nintendo 3DS.