Cool Wiimote Charging Station
18 years ago

Cool Wiimote Charging Station

By  •  Wii

Penguin United has released a Wiimote Charging Station that connects to the Wii’s USB ports on the back of the console. It’s very simple, but it’s all it needs …
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Nintendo to Meet w/ Retailers

By  •  Potpourri

Possible new game announcements tomorrow in Japan. Nintendo will be holding a meeting with retailers in Japan.

Nintendo will be holding another retailers meeting tomorrow in Japan. The purpose of …
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Koji Kondo Performing at GDC

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We knew previously that Koji Kondo would be attending the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco this year, but now it looks like he will be performing as well.

Legendary …
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Better Wii Browsing: Wiiminder

By  •  Videos

WarpPipe has created an ‘enhanced’ browsing experience for the Wii complete with Tabs and everything. Here’s a video of how it works–I’ll have to check this out later.

Rare Video Interview

GameTrailers has an interview up with Rare (part of Microsoft Game Studios) about Nintendo, Microsoft, and some other interesting game tidbits.


PAL and NTSC VC games

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We reported last week about George Harrison commenting on the possibility of Japanese and European games making it to the States. Now we have another such confirmation of that fact …
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