You may notice a slight theme in the team’s playlist this week – are you trying to catch ’em all? What else is on your gaming agenda recently?
Check out our playlist below and let us know which games you’re playing right now.
- Pokémon Moon (3DS): Now that I’ve become champion of the Alola region, I’ve been taking my time with the after game. I’m getting really close to capturing all of the new Pokémon, and it won’t be long until my Pokedex is complete.
- Animal Crossing New Leaf (3DS): Although I missed the harvest day event in-game because of work, I’ve been spending time in my town of Koholint ever since the amiibo update came along. What’s more, I finally paid off my final loan to Tom Nook, so now I’m debt free.
- Pokémon Moon (3DS): I may not be a Pokemaster, but I’m certainty one who continues to respect and adore what Game Freak crafts with each new main series Pokemon title. 18 years after my first experience with Pokemon, I’m still asking this question as I progress with the latest edition: Why can’t I quit you?
- Fire Emblem: Fates (3DS): I did it! After 40+ hours, I made it through to the end .. I defeated King Garon and brought peace to two neighboring regions, but lost several members of my party – and family – along the way.
- Pokémon GO (mobile): I’ve made good progress this week thanks to the double XP bonus. I also caught Ditto, disguised a Pidgey!
- Bit Dungeon+ (Wii U eShop): I’m really enjoying this randomized dungeon crawler. Watch for my review shortly!
What do you think of our list this week? Are you into anything retro at the moment, or busy playing something brand new? Let us know your own playlists in the comments section.