It’s hard to believe it’s December already! Time to make a playlist and check it twice, we’ve got to make room for new games over the holidays! Which games are you looking forward to? Check out our playlist below and let us know what you’re playing right now.
- Pokémon Moon (3DS): I have a feeling this will be on my playlist for a while. Been trying out the shiny new hunting mechanic with S.O.S battles, and so far my efforts have been rewarded with a shiny Smeargle. Once I evolve Type Null and acquire Magearna, I’ll have a complete Pokedex as well.
Animal Crossing New Leaf (3DS): still playing this almost daily. Now that I have the in-game 3DS and Wii U, I can enjoy the mini games that were added.
- Crystal Adventure (DSiWare): A few days ago I won a copy of this game via Twitter. It’s a shame I don’t have something nice to say about it, but it’s awful. The autosave design almost makes the game unplayable! Thankfully Circle has published plenty of other good games.
Exile’s End (Wii U eShop): I’ve been playing this one for a review. Not much more to say just yet … I’m still formulating my thoughts and jotting notes. Hopefully by this time next week I’ll have the finishing touches.
Miitomo (mobile): This came in handy when I found myself in and out of hospital during the early part of the week. Easy to waste a few minutes here and there.
Super Mario Maker (3DS): The biggest game on my playlist this week by far, SMM for 3DS is a title I’ve been sinking the hours into. Our review will be a bit later than initially planned, but hopefully, PN fans will find it detailed, and worth the wait.
- Fire Emblem: Fates (3DS): After finally finishing Birthright, I’ve embarked on my the next saga with the Conquest version of this epic game. I’m at chapter 7, having just chosen my original family over my newly discovered birth family. It was difficult to go to battle with my former allies!
- Pokémon GO (mobile): I made it to level 23 at last! I did catch a Ponyta for the first time during the week, which was kinda cool :)
- Bit Dungeon+ (Wii U eShop): I found myself enjoying this game, despite a few glitches. The retro graphics and Zelda-esque dungeons are right up my alley. Check out my Bit Dungeon+ review for more details.
What do you think of our list this week? Are you into anything retro at the moment, or busy playing something brand new? Let us know your own playlists in the comments section.
December 4, 2016
Pokemon sun, Mittomo, Pokemon Go, Twighlight Princess
December 5, 2016
Nice list! How are you enjoying Pokemon Sun?
December 19, 2016
Not too far in it but I have been enjoying it
December 19, 2016
Not too far in it but I have been enjoying it
January 5, 2017
I have been enjoying it (sorry for such a late reply) I still have not gotten too far just to the second island