With the weekend (hopefully) comes some well-deserved time off – which we obviously like to fill with gaming. So what is the PN team playing at the moment? A lot of classic titles feature in our list this week, with everything from classic shooters, retro-style horror games, to Zelda-inspired RPGs. Plus some Splatoon, ARMS and even mobile adventures to round things out.
Check out our playlist below and let us know what’s on your gaming agenda this week.
Pokémon Go (Mobile): The new raid battles that have been added to gyms have made gyms a much more interactive and fun experience for me. Unfortunately, I have yet to experience a raid battle with other players, but I’m hoping that will change since Pokémon Go is fairly popular in my small town.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD (Wii U): I had been looking for the Wolf Link amiibo to use when playing Breath of the Wild. But I actually got a much better deal buying the game bundle. Just about to enter Snowpeak Ruins, one of my favorite dungeons.
- Daikon Set (Wii U): My review this week, and an interesting one for sure. The game is free, so you’ve nothing to lose giving it a download. Read my Daikon Set review to learn more.
Justin S
- Ever Oasis (3DS): I think I’m about half-way through the game and I’ve been enjoying it. It does a lot of hand-holding but it kinda fits the characters oddly enough. I really like how you can level up your Oasis as well as the Bloom Booths.
- ARMS (Switch): Picked up the game again with the 2.0 update and it’s such a fun game to pick up and play. It doesn’t have as much depth as I would like right now, but I think it’ll get to that point with the free content over the next year (like Nintendo did with the first Splatoon).
- Elliot Quest (3DS): I just finished this up for an upcoming review. I missed out on the Wii U version two years back, and I didn’t know what to expect from the beginning. What I got was a love letter of sorts to Zelda II complete with the crypticness and varied difficulty. Aside from the occasional slowdown and other performance issues, Elliot Quest is a neat and charming throwback. Again, it’s not without its problems, especially with a near end game glitch that prevented me from facing the final boss. Even with that technical roadblock, the good outweighed the bad here. So, wait until a patch is released before you jump into this indie title that helps make a callback to the name “NES hard.”
- ACA NeoGeo Blazing Stat (mobile): Take a fun flashback to the 90s with this classic arcade shooter. It’s a hardcore affair, with bullets and enemies covering the screen to take you out. It’s a wild ride though, check out my Blazing Star review for the full story.
- Vaccine (Switch): I’ve been playing this for an upcoming review, it’s a retro-style horror game based, loosely on early Resident Evil titles. It’s dark and gloomy, with an interesting premise – you have 30 minutes to find a cure for your dying friend. It’s not particularly well executed, but stay tuned for my review soon with all the details.
- Magirkarp Jump (mobile): Yes I’m still playing this one .. daily. I’m onto the Heal League, almost at the end with my generation 81 Magikarp. I’m a level 65 trainer now. Go team!
- Miitopia: Casting Call (3DS eShop): I tried this little demo out, it’s fun for a laugh but is basically an advertisement for the upcoming Miitopia RPG. Which I do want to play, mind you.
What do you think of our list this week? Are you into anything retro at the moment, or busy playing something brand new? Let us know your own playlists in the comments section.
July 16, 2017
I have been playing Mario Kart 8 (Switch) Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch) Pokemon Shuffle (mobile), Hey Pikmin! demo (3DS), Sonic the hedgehog (Wii vc), Pokemon Go (mobile)