Nashville, TN – August 11th 2015 –  Our cover for Issue 24 features E3 2015!  Issue 24 is all about the games we played at E3 2015. Super Mario Maker definitely surprised us this year with its new modes and new sharing capabilities that are sure to give fans plenty to do when the game releases. On the indie side of things, we spoke with the teams behind Nova 111 and Fast Racing Neo. We also interviewed Sanzaru Games, the developers behind Sonic Boom Fire & Ice for the Nintendo 3DS. Issue #24 also has much more including a bunch of game reviews and other fantastic Nintendo goodness!


Pure Nintendo Magazine (PNM) Issue 24

By Pure Media LLC in PNM – Your source for all things Nintendo

82 pages, published 8/2/2015

Issue 24 is all about the games we played at E3 2015. One of my most anticipated games of E3 was Star Fox Zero which was, admittedly, a little disappointing. I was hoping to play a little more of the game than the Star Fox 64-like demo levels. Super Mario Maker definitely surprised me this year with its new modes and new sharing capabilities that are sure to give fans plenty to do when the game releases. I also had a ton of fun with Triforce…

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– The Question Block

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– Nintendo Fan Art

We regularly publish Nintendo fan art in each issue of PNM!  Do you have a piece of artwork that you are particularly proud of? E-mail it to Kaelyn, our artwork curator, at for a chance to see it published within the pages of PNM!

– Reader Poll

As a fun little extra, we feature reader polls on  The poll, results, and information about the next poll are then published in The Question Block for each issue of PNM.  If you want to make your voice heard, check out the right side bar and vote in our current poll!

A little about PNM

PNM is your source for exclusive interviews, game previews, concept art, game reviews, puzzles and much more direct from the world of Nintendo! Subscriptions available in digital via the interactive apps on the App Store and Google Play for all iOS and Android phone and tablet devices. (3DS, Wii U, Industry, Nintendo, Wii U)