Shovel Knight may be making an appearance in Super Smash Bros. with the unveiling of the upcoming amiibo. On Nintendo’s official website the character developed by Yacht Club Games was found on the list of customizable amiibo.

Yacht Club games have taken to social media to deny that Shovel Knight will be in the game. Many speculators and news sources think that this could be human error. The information regarding the character’s compatibility has been removed.

Pure Nintendo has reached out to Yacht Club Games and was given the following response regarding the matter: “As we’ve already stated, the Shovel Knight amiibo listing on the Smash Bros section of Nintendo’s site was a mislisting. We’ll keep dreaming one day Shovel Knight will be in Smash.”

The Shovel Knight amiibo has yet to receive an official release date, but according to Nintendo it should be released holiday 2015. Yacht Club Games revealed the amiibo at PAX earlier this year.

What do you think? Would you like to see Shovel Knight in Super Smash Bros.? What other characters would you like to see? Leave your comments in the section below.