1 (1) Super Mario Bros 3 2 (2) Super Mario Bros 3 (3) Mario Kart 64 4 (10) Kirby 64 : The Crystal Shards 5 (4) Super Street Fighter 2 …
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IGN Voice Chat Summary is the new name for the Wiik in review podcast.
Smash Sales:
-1.4 Million copies in 8 days
-1.8 Wii units produced every month
-875,000 Day 1Obscure: The Aftermath:
-480i, 4:3, 60fps, $29
-Stiff Animation in parts
-Drop in, drop out 2 player.Pro Evolution Soccer:
-8.6, “absolutely killer, absolutely sick”
-2 Players, online, great sports game in general, “using the wiimote is badass”Wii Love Golf:
-Online mode for America with Mii usage.
-Zak and Wiki character.Reggie:
-The game could be Kid Icarus, they know it exists, but it could not be.
-They hope its not Kirby,Icarus or DK, the games they already know about. Do hope its Pikmin or something else cool, unknown or newMario Kart Wii:
-Battle Mode. Fun. Going to be the main draw for people.
-They have a remake of block fort, but its not quite block fort, 70% old block fort.
-They like the DK skate park
-Sand level, Swamp Level, Snes Mario Kart battle level 4.
-Battle mode team based 12 players is badass’d
-Online looks like you’ll be forced either red or blue team
With Wiiware launching in Japan next week, they will not be receiving there normal VC update. Honestly, I don’t think this is a big deal, you wont get …
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This his a bill I agree 100% with. A bill which will be voted on by the House of Massachusetts tomorrow, will put M rated video games in the same …
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Super NES
– Super R-Type
– Operation WOLF
Over at NeoGaf they held an open question and answer with Hudson. Here is some of the Nintendo questions that came out of it.
Bomberman WiiWare – Yes. It’s coming. Details are still being finalized. It will be different than Bomberman Live. But it’s still the classic Bomberman, if you catch my drift. It’s probably one of the few classic games we are bring out on Wii Ware, but digital download is really where Bomberman shines.
New Bonk – I tell you what, if you really want to dig into some good dirt on Bonk, then you’ll have to listen in on some recent podcasts I did. I go into detail on Bonk about some interesting things happening behind the scenes. It’s really quite fascinating. With that, I’ll let you treasure hunt!
Super Star Soldier R – Super Star Soldier R for Wii Ware is a unique game. It’s a lot like Pacman Championship edition, in that it’s a time based attack mode, where you prove you can get the highest score. The whole concept originated many years ago on the Hudson Caravan. A traveling showcase Hudson did around Japan where hundreds of thousands of people would come out, meet celebrities, play games, and compete (Bomberman, Star Soldier, etc). One of the original Star Soldier games featured a 5 minute mode, specially designed for competition. And we’d used that to prove who was the best out there. That mode is designed to be very complex, and there are many ways to rake up combo points, so trying to master it requires some testing out of different attack patterns. Anyways, it was hugely popular in Japan, so this updated Wii Ware version was originally planned just for that market. We’re evaluating bring out for the US, since most people have never heard of Star Soldier, or the 5 minute mode or the Hudson Caravan. Or 16-shot. But that’s for another thread.
Bomberman Story DS – No, there’s currently no plans to bring Bomberman Story to the US. When we took a look at Bomberman Land and Bomberman Story, it became clear the Bomberman Land franchise was much more fun, and fit better with US tastes, so we brought that one over. There’s just so much more content in that series, not to mention having the full classic battle mode built in to boot.
Dracula X – As for the classic never-before-released-in-the-US version on the Turbo Duo, no final plans on that yet. But we hear you loud and clear. Neogaf <3 Castlevania X. And so do I.
1 (1) Super Mario Bros 3 2 (2) Super Mario Bros 3 (3) Mario Kart 64 4 (4) Super Street Fighter 2 5 (5) Super Mario World 6 (6) …
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Mario Kart Wii
Fatal Frame: The Mask of the Lunar Eclipse (Wii, Tecmo/Nintendo)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness (DS, Nintendo)
New International Track & Field (DS, Konami)
Death Jr.: Root of Evil (Wii, Eidos)
Bleach: Dark Souls (DS, Sega)
Bangai-O (DS, Treasure)
SNK Arcade Classics Vol. 1 (Wii, SNK)
Facebreaker (Wii, EA)
FFCC: My Life As a King (WiiWare, Square Enix)
LostWinds (WiiWare, Frontier)
WiiFit (Wii, Nintendo)
Wii Channels (WiiWare/VC coverage)
Major League Eating (WiiWare)
1080 Snowboarding
Adventures of Lolo 2
Columns III: Revenge of Columns
Lords of Thunder
Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers
Harvest Moon
Operation Wolf
SEGA® of America, Inc. today announced two titles from the SEGA Genesis™ library, Puyo Puyo 2 and POWERBALL will soon be available for download on the Wii™ Shop Channel this …
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NES – City Connection (Jaleco) – Joy Mech Fight (Nintendo)
Genesis – Fantasy Zone (Sega)
PC-Engine – Psycho Chaser (Naxat Soft)
Join Kirby in his first 3D adventure propelling him out of Dream Land and to the stars! …
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1 (1) Super Mario Bros 3 2 (3) Super Mario Bros 3 (2) Mario Kart 64 4 (4) Super Street Fighter 2 5 (5) Super Mario World 6 (6) …
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When 10 o’clock rolled around and there was no press release from Nintendo, I was sure that they where gong to release SSB 64. Well I was totally wrong:
Super Turrican:
SNES- 800 points
Link: Check your VC channel, no press release yet.
With only one release right now, here is still hoping for a surprise later on.
March is roaring in like a lion on the Virtual Console™. This might be a good time to look back at the massive catalog of classic games and ask yourself if you’ve played them all. Well, have you? You know there are some unplayed gems in there that your friends keep raving about, like this week’s release, Super Turrican. Not to mention the games you haven’t played since you were 10. Go ahead and fire them up – you’ll feel like a kid again. Just think of the Virtual Console as your own personal fountain of youth.
It seems like we are always posting other people’s predictions of what is to come. I think its my turn to look into my crystal ball and …
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Thanks to Milabrega for the summary:
-Full widescreen now
-No paper filter likely since they didn’t mention that
Biohazard 0:
-Japan only release right now
-Not a remake, not going to be running 16:9
Crap Games (Podcast Filler?):
-Agatha Christy = 4.9
-Kidz Sports International Soccer = 1.0 “A total turd”
-London Taxi Rush Hour = looks like a bad n64 game
MX Vs. ATV Untamed:
-Floaty, Frame rate is kind of weak
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