
Rumor: Nights for Wii

By  •  Wii

Another rumor surrounding Sega’s Nights sequel has popped up today. Apparently a Japanese site is listing the game on the release schedule of upcoming games for the Wii. We’ve …
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Happy New Year!

By  • 

Hope everyone had a great new years’ eve party.  Here’s to a new year with hopefully lots of great Nintendo Wii/DS news ahead.

Bored? Check out the forums

By  • 

I know the news has been slow this past week. If you’re getting bored though, check out the forums page. Poke around and post anything you like. Start a war …
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Hotel Dusk: Room 215 Trailer

By  •  Videos

This is a not so new trailer for Hotel Dusk: Room 215. It shows off some cool cutscenes and a little gameplay. I’ve been getting more and more interested …
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Japanese Hardware Sales

By  •  Wii

Here are the latest sales figures from Japan:

  1. DS Lite – 485,584 – (7,266,755)
  2. Wii – 279,277 – (823,311)
  3. PSP – 138,588 – (1,780,508)
  4. PS3 – 76,882 – (385,831)

  5. Read More

Canadian’s Love Their Wii

By  •  Wii

Now that Christmas has passed the number crunchers are working furiously to find out who is winning the console war. The first estimates are placing the Wii at two to …
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