
Forecast Channel Live Early!

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I woke up this morning to a blue glow and I knew something good happened over night. The Forecast Channel has gone live as of early this morning. There …
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Final Fantasy Tactics A2 for DS

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Square-Enix is developing a new title in their Tactics series for the Nintendo DS. It appears that the game is a sequel to GBA’s Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, hence …
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Prince of Persia Rival Swords

By  •  Wii

Prince of Persia Rival Swords is the final name for the upcoming Two Thrones remake. Rival Swords kinda has the same ring to it that The Two Thrones does. …
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Pokemon Diamond/Pearl US Date CONFIRMED

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Jeux-France has received word on the US release date for the much anticipated DS continuation to the popular Pokemon series. Pokemon Diamond and Pearl have been confirmed to launch …
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Review: Excite Truck


Excite Truck was one of the games I purchased at launch, and one I’ve played almost non-stop since then. It’s a game that brings the fast-paced arcade style racing to the living room. I was skeptical at first to how the game would play, but my worries washed away in a splash of truck carnage.

Tricks and getting stars are the name of the game. While it’s good to get 1st in a race (you get 50 stars), the important thing is to get as many stars throughout the race. Big air, drifts, tree runs, air spins, truck smashes, and rings all add to your star count. The game provides plenty of unlockables as you progress through the game. There are tons of trucks, levels, tracks, and trophies to unlock.


Excite Truck has pretty intuitive controls. Most everyone I’ve played multiplayer with both experienced and non-experienced didn’t seem to have a problem picking the controls up. The multiplayer offers only 2-player support, but there’s a lot going on. I’m not sure it would be as fun looking at even a smaller split-screen, even if more of your friends could play. It’s a fun way to relax and get some fast-paced racing compared to something like Need for Speed.

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Toys “R” Us Getting More Wiis Before Christmas

By  •  Wii

Toys “R” Us has issued a press release saying they will be receiving “thousands” of Wii systems as well as more PS3, 360, and GBA systems before Christmas. Here’s …
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