As the weekend rapidly approaches, it’s time to reflect over the week that was and look forward to some solid game time. This week we’ve been busy with the likes of Splatoon 2 and Hey! Pikmin, not to mention Super Mario Maker and Miitopia, plus many more in between. Sometimes there aren’t enough hours in the day really …
Check out our playlist below and let us know what’s on your gaming agenda this weekend.
- Splatoon 2 (Nintendo Switch): This game has been being played non stop at my house. The only time we’re not playing is when we’re eating, sleeping or walking our dogs lol. I’m sure my addiction will die down eventually but right now I’m trying to level up and unlock some new weapons. It’s great so far and I’m really excited for the splatfest this weekend! It’s kinda funny though, my girlfriend and I had to make designated times to play because she is team Ketchup and I am team Mayo. Who will prevail in the ultimate battle of condiments?! (Me hopefully ;D)
- Splatoon 2 (Nintendo Switch): I had limited time this week for gaming but check out my Splatoon 2 review to find out how much I enjoyed this game
- CubeShift (Wii U): A free puzzle game involving falling squares. Did I mention it’s free? Find out if it’s worth it my CubeShift review.
Hey! Pikmin (3DS): Had to wait until I got my paycheck at work to pick up this game, but so far it’s worth it. Despite being a 2D game, it still feels like a Pikmin title to me. You still have to be careful in how you attack, and it still feels awful when you’re responsible for a Pikmin massacre. I’m also enjoying the amiibo feature of the game, and finding amiibo statues and reading their descriptions is pretty hilarious.
- Super Mario Maker (Wii U): Played through a handful of fan-submitted courses on my day off, which is always a good time. We are always looking for more levels to feature in a video and in our magazine though. Why not submit a course to our Twitter?
Miitopia (Nintendo 3DS): Some of you might have already picked up this game on launch last week. If you’re still debating, perhaps our upcoming Miitopia review will be of some interest? This is not a short game by any means, so the amount of content is strong. Whether the content is able to sustain interest is something I’ll share my thoughts about soon.
Justin S
- Splatoon 2 (Nintendo Switch): Made it through the first 8 levels of the single player and I’m really liking the Splat Dualies. Also playing more multiplayer which has been a lot of fun – love me some turf war :)
- Overcooked (Nintendo Switch): Very fun and stressful couch co-op game! Get a group of friends together for a good time in this game.
- I and Me (Nintendo Switch): This is a thoroughly enjoyable puzzle platformer involving the movement of two cats simultaneously. Check out my I and Me review to find out why I recommend it.
- Hey! Pikmin (Nintendo 3DS): This was my main focus this week, with my review on its way very soon. I’m really enjoying my time with the game though, I love the new take on the series, offering something fresh yet familiar. Stay tuned for the full story soon.
- Super Mario Run (mobile): Played a little of this for the first time in ages thanks to the coin bonuses in Toad Rally. I won a couple of matches and unlocked a new house, though I still want more purple Toads!
- Super Mario Maker (Wii U): It’s always fun to play fun-submitted courses, and this latest lot showed off some real talent. There were some pretty crazy/hard ones thrown in for good measure too …
- LEGO City Undercover (Nintendo Switch): My son practically begs me to play this at least once a week, not that I mind of course since it’s super fun. That elusive 100% is still a long way away though, I think we’re at about 25% completion.
- Magikarp Jump (mobile): My week wouldn’t be complete without an update on this time-wasting game. My generation 95 Magikarp is about halfway through the Ultra League, with the help of my rank 63 Trainer. I’m mostly just collecting coins to upgrade my food and training to win candy, to earn more coins, to pay for more food and training .. vicious cycle really.
What do you think of our list this week? Are you into anything retro at the moment, or busy playing something brand new? Let us know your own playlists in the comments section.