The weekend is here and that can only mean one thing – game time! The Pure Nintendo team has been super busy this week (as always), but we still have games to play, so here’s our favorites from this week.

Are you looking for gaming inspiration this weekend? Check out our playlist below and let us know which games you’re playing right now.



  • Miitomo (mobile): This is my first time adding Miitomo to my playlist, even though I have been using it since it first launched.  Be sure to check out what some of the PN team thinks of it in our group piece, Purely Opinions.
  • Runbow (Wii U eShop): I’ve been playing Runbow on and off these past few weeks, and having lots of fun.  I’ve finally posted my review of the new DLC, which you can read here.
  • Tachyon Project (Wii U eShop): This is my current review game, and it’s an interesting shooter.  I should have a full review on it next week


  • Okamiden (Nintendo DS): I never did give the Okami games a chance when they first hit the scene. For the sequel, Okamiden looks extremely impressive for a DS game visually. With its Zelda inspired gameplay, Okamiden will tide me over until we hear more about Zelda at E3.
  • Pokemon White 2 (Nintendo DS): To date, Black and White 2 are the only main series Pokemon games that I have not played through. There is just something about the Unova region I find not as interesting as the other regions. I’m giving Unova a second chance, and with 5 badges already collected, I can say I’m having a good time.



  • Fire Emblem: Awakenings (3DS): With Fates out today (in Australia) I haven’t managed to make it through Awakenings in time, despite putting in well over 20 hours and making it to chapter 17. Now I’ll just have to juggle both …
  • Miitomo (mobile): Our opinion piece inspired me to check into the world of my Mii-self again after a couple of weeks of neglect. I quite enjoy the frivolous fun of it all.