With news beginning to slow down for the holidays, I thought it was time for another Niwifi contest. When the Wii gift giving capability was launched in the Wii shop …
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With things slowing down for the holidays. I think it is a good time to post some Microsoft bashing, Holiday Cheer. ; ) Today Microsoft announced a …
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No this is not a mistake! There are no more games coming out for the year of 2007. Where’s the big Holiday game you ask? Well I am asking the …
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SNES – Treasure Hunter G
Genesis – Langrisser II
TG16 – Dragon Slayer: Eiyuu Densetsu
1 (1) Super Mario Bros. 3 2 (2) Mario Kart 64 3 (3) Super Mario Bros 3 4 (18) Pokemon Snap 5 (4) Super Mario World 6 (5) Super …
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NES – Skate or Die – Blades of Steel
TurboGrafx – Monster Lair
With news beginning to slow down for the holidays, I thought it was time for another Niwifi contest. When the Wii gift giving capability was launched in the Wii shop …
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With news beginning to slow down for the holidays, I thought it was time for another Niwifi contest. When the Wii gift giving capability was launched in the Wii shop …
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If you jump over to the Japanese VC page, you will notice that the page has been revamped. It looks like they opened up two more icon spaces for new …
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It’s sci-fi/fantasy week on the Virtual Console™, and you know what that means. The Cybernators are deadly, the aliens are ruthless and the monsters are…cute. It’s a collection of three …
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I don’t know if you’ve transferred any games from your Wii memory to an SD memory card. If you have, you’re already aware that it can take a long …
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NES – Metal Slader Glory (Hal)
SNES – Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (Capcom)
Genesis – Party Quiz Mega Q (Sega)
TG16 – Ai-Choaniki (Hudson)
Voice chat/Virtual Console
– Reggie talked about how Nintendo is still considering voicechat, and how he wouldn’t be surprised to see it on Wii in the future.
– Both expect it to happen (when Nintendo say stuff like this, it basically means it is happening) but are dumbfounded by how long it is taking.
– Both really hope it comes out in time for Smash, but are doubtful.
– For the majority of VC games, we’re not going to see modifications or upgrades (like we did with Pokemon Snap), simply because Nintendo doesn’t need to do it.
– Don’t expect a VC price drop in the future – they’re doing great and there’s no need to change anything.
– Hope to see more import games (like Sin and Punishment) and expect this because it appears that Nintendo is paying attention to the wider gaming community.
– Both Wii and DS did exceptionally well.
– Analysts are predicting around 1.6-1.7 million for Wii in December.
– Make sure you camp out if you want to get a Wii – don’t go on ebay or anything because you will be ripped off.
– If the quantity had been there, Wii sales would have definitely been over 1 million. Nintendo would be kicking themselves right now because of their inability to get more units out.
– Very solid performance by 360 (not too far away from Wii) and PSP, as well as Playstation 2. Playstation 3 numbers are still comparatively low, but much improved from last month.
– Galaxy released a week later than COD4, so both games are basically selling at the same pace – if Galaxy came out earlier, then it would probably have reached around the same numbers as COD4.
– Guitar Hero 3 Wii should be a 1 million seller by the end of the year, which should do very good things for future Wii 3rd party support and also proves that 3rd party games can sell very well if they are high quality and appeal to the Wii audience. EA should be kicking themselves for not releasing Rock Band on Wii.
– Bozon thinks it’s taken way too long for the mono issue in Guitar Hero 3 Wii to be fixed. Action needs to be taken.
Wii Software LTD’s
Super Mario Galaxy = 1.2 million
Smackdown vs Raw 2008 = 53,000 – not very good first-month numbers, and comparatively lower to PS2 and 360.
Carnival Games = 300,000 – has sold better than Nintendo’s Big Brain Academy.
Today Reggie held a conference call with a few gaming sites. I was a little up set we were not invited. What about us Reggie? What about us? Umm, anyways, here’s a run down from Gonintendo about what happened. This is a must see, if your a Nintendo Fan.
Nintendo didn’t expect Wii sales to takeoff so fast
6 million Wiis sold in the US alone
No other home system has ever matched sales this quickly
No ability to stockpile systems
This is an unfortunate happening
Nintendo is doing everything possible to stop this drought
Worldwide production has been upped twice since launch
14 million to 16.5 million to 17.5 million
current production run – 1.8 million Wiis a month
production depends on components from various suppliers
work force has been tripled at North Bend, Washington
This drought benefits no one
I received this email from Nintendo thinking it would contain something about the VC releases this week, or some game that came out this week. I was surprised …
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No More Heroes
-Not gonna hit high scores
-going to appeal to Killer 7 fans
-combat can be repetitive and the open world isn’t the greatest ever
-likes the settings, characters, tone, and art style
-they want to show some stuff. constrained with NDAs
-Killer 7 cameo? sp0rsk?
-explore the game even if you don’t
-bemoaning about how “only if Suda had more power to work with”
-lacking some polish in areas, but still alot of fun
-no blood in PAL NMH is lame
-NMH does the best hack&slash. waggle H&S hasn’t been quite realized
-think that NMH will be able to slip under the radar better than Manhunt 2, but still could end up snowballing
-NMH not the best of the best, but really “culty-cool.” difficult not to like the content.
Jeremy Dunnam
-brown nosing
-Matt is a Fattie
-put your info in and it changes your Mii
-Wii Balance Board=Wiibo=”cool”
-bunch of stuff locked?
-Balance Board is an energy suck
-feel the “Wiibo” needs an AC adapter or some form of charger
-gonna catch on in America
-Matt’s balance is bad too
-should wear athletic clothes while Wii stuff
-convinced it will be a good workout tool
-300lbs. weight limit could be problematic
-having alot of fun with WiiFit
-WiiFit=!WiiPlay. actually feels more like a real game, but with exercise (WiiSports+Brain Age?)
-WiiFit, Wii Sports, SmartyPants good holiday games.