As we play our way through the weekend, what games have made our playlist this week? There are plenty of big names doing the rounds lately, with Mario, Sonic and Samus all seeing some action, as well as Splatoon 2, Hey! Pikmin and some hardcore platforming games on the eShop. Oh, and Magikarp. Check out our playlist below and let us know what’s on your gaming agenda this week.
- Splatoon 2 (Switch): I haven’t had too much time to play this week, but I needed to fill the slots in my splat fest shirt. I chose invisibility over flight because… Well flying is awesome, but being invisible would be even awesomer! Lately I prefer playing tower control over anything else. I love throwing a suction bomb onto the tower right before someone from the opposing team tries to steal it ;D
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle (Nintendo Switch): If you haven’t yet, check out our Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle review.
- Metroid: Samus Returns (Nintendo 3DS): The 3DS continues to have a great 2017, and this looks like it’ll be the systems next hit. The review embargo is still a ways off, but keep an eye out.
- Troll and I (Nintendo Switch): Poor Troll and I… an ambitious game buried in bugs. We should have our review up next week.
Hey! Pikmin (3DS): I’ve made it to area 8 so far with all treasures and all Pikmin surviving in each level. The game is hinting that this is the last area to explore, but I have a sneaking suspicion that there is something else out there waiting for me. Been loving this game for the most part though.
- Sonic Mania (Switch): Finally got around to completing my first run of this game, which admittedly is pretty tough for someone who didn’t grow up as a Sega kid. By the end of my first run I had 5 chaos emeralds, and 18 “Sonic Coins” collected. Not too shabby, but I won’t rest until I’ve collected them all!
Justin S
- Monster Hunter Stories (3DS): Been playing this a lot for our review. It has a lot of charm and has been holding my attention more than most MH games I’ve tried. It’s a different formula for sure, almost like the Pokemon games, but still unique.
- Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle (Switch): Barely scratched the surface but the game is absolutely gorgeous. The Mushroom Kingdom looks lush and vibrant and the gameplay is really fun too.
- Eminage Original (3DS): I have been playing Eminage Original (3DS) for my upcoming review. There is a lot to this game and a bit of a learning curve but it’s still fun.
- Pokémon Suffle (mobile): I’m on level 328, I was trying to play through without dropping any money into it but after two years of playing it, I finally cracked and put a $1.99 into it after being stuck on a for a week.
- Slime-san (Switch): I’ve just posted my Slime-san review, and I was pleasantly surprised by this odd-looking yet deep and challenging platformer.
- League of Evil (Switch): My next review, and it’s another platformer. How will it stack up next to Slime-san? Stay tuned to find out!
- LEGO City Undercover (Switch): This week we took on Apollo Island, unlocking everything we could along the way. We’ve hit 54%, so it’s slow going, but it’s a fun journey.
- Magikarp Jump (mobile): Not a whole lot of progress this week, I’m a rank 73 Trainer with my generation 115 Magikarp, Golden Rough. Still working on the Elite Four League.
What do you think of our list this week? Are you into anything retro at the moment, or busy playing something brand new? Let us know your own playlists in the comments section.