
Search Results for: podcast

Podcast #7 Now Live!

By  •  August 2, 2008

It was kind of a slow week, but we have a podcast to recap the week’s happenings! Kevin and I discuss some of the new announcements as …
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Podcast #6: E3 Show Spectacular!

By  •  July 26, 2008

Alright everyone, we took a week off because of E3 last week, but now we have the new podcast live and ready for your listening pleasure : )  Kevin and …
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Happy Wiikend!! Podcast #5 now Live!

By  •  July 12, 2008

Hey everyone!  It’s been sort of a slow week as far as Nintendo news goes, but we were able to scrounge up enough to chat about for this week’s podcast. …
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Pure Nintendo Podcast #4 now LIVE!

By  •  July 5, 2008

Alright everyone!  It’s that time of week and we have our latest podcast live and ready for your listening pleasure ; )  Here’s just a basic rundown of what we …
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Happy Wiikend!!! Podcast #3, Purenintendo At E3, and More

By  •  June 28, 2008

A lot to cover on this Wiikend post. First, our third podcast is live, yes that soon. In this podcast we talk about the games that were announced this week; …
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New Podcast now LIVE finally!!

By  •  June 23, 2008

Wow!  I can’t remember the last time we had a podcast…it’s been way too long unfortunately.  That’s all about to change though!  We have our long-awaited, and …
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IGN Nintendo Voice Chat podcast summary

By  •  June 3, 2008

Capcom event
– Coverage going up at 5 AM PST tomorrow
– Third-person Sci-Fi action game will be revealed

– Dull, bland
– Random that it was even remade

Toki Tori
– Awarded with an 8.0
– Good game, even at $10
– Fun – only downside is its price
– Straight up puzzle platforming

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IGN: Nintendo Voice Chat Podcast Summary

By  •  April 22, 2008

High Voltage’s The Conduit:
-Built from the Ground up for Wii
-FPS with Scifi Government Conspiracy Theme
-The Plan for Video Footage is suppose to be this week
-They are working on Other projects. Bozon wants to download and/or buy them
-The other projects are not big epics like Conduit, but they are still very happy with the other two projects they were shown. (WiiWare wasn’t strongly implied)
-30 frames right now shooting for a lock 60, all sorts of control schemes.
-Ign has largest Nintendo Fanbase out there, the Dev was immediately contacted from publishers and developers right after the reveal.
-Bozon wants to work towards industry glory and not just a PR puppet at IGN.

Line Rider Wii:
to see what it’ll be like. Check XBLA may be similar review style. [/i]

Q: Fatal Frame 4 News?
A: No, but they are excited because of Fatal Frame + Suda. Likely no news until E3.

Q: DQ9 no news in forever, whats up with that ?
A: Square hinted to Bozon info will come soon. Square likes to deal with one title at a time

Q:What can Nintendo do to get big western dev houses to jump on the Wii ?
A: Matt wants Nintendo to step up and Publish more games, like back in the day. Wants Nintendo to go out and find the developers to develop. Bozon states how he thinks the Wii is the place for the small guys to put forth big efforts to try and become the big guys. Matt also wants Nintendo to reach out for synergy marketing with other big publishing houses.

Q: World Ends with You or Mario Kart Wii?
A: If World Ends With You is your type of game, get it before its gone. Mario Kart you can get now or a year from now. If you own a Wii, you gotta get Mario Kart Wii at some time, but World Ends With You won’t be around forever.

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IGN Voice Chat Podcast Summary

By  •  April 1, 2008

Voice chat is the new name for the Wiikly review. It also has a new day. (Thanks Alkaline for the Summary)


Smackdown vs Raw 2008
DS version
– Weren’t able to go hands on with it, but the DS version seems to be turning out great – just needs traditional control and fine-tuning.
– Developed by the makers of Rocket Slime. There’s actually an RPG system with an overworld system where you upgrade certain aspects of your character (eg: arm strength, leg strength, etc).
– Looks great – like No Mercy on DS. Phenomenal 3D models. Lots of cinematic stuff with the camera.
– Single-player only. It’s really only supposed to be an “RPG.” Matt thinks this might piss some people off.
– Needs traditional controls. Touch screen controls work alright but traditional controls really are needed.
– Also contains Create A Superstar for the first time. Hopefully this turns out to be the first good portable wrestling game.

Wii version
– Looks almost indentical to last year.
– Lots of motion used – control recognition has been refined. Uses a lot more motion than most Wii games.
– Still playing catchup, but this year there is over 30 new match types (eg: barbed wire).
– The wonky Success Mode is gone, replaced by Career Mode which is the same as what you will get on PS3/360.
– Online play for the first time on Wii. It will probably be quite bare-bones but it’s a start.
– Interactive entrances and finishes. Sounds gimmicky but it sounds like it could be fun. You can continue to beat your opponent even after a match.
– Create-a-finisher and some other PS3/360 content will not be in the Wii version. The Wii version is an entirely different beast.

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IGN Nintendo Voice Podcast Summary

By  •  March 24, 2008

Just a reminder “Nintendo Voice” is the new name for IGN podcast.

Rock Band

– Coming out in June, 63 songs (5 exclusive), offline multiplayer, in stereo
– Missing important features – downloadable content, online – yet, still costs the same
– Basically a port of PS2 version
– Rushing the game


– Launching in Japan tomorrow
– Videos, interface, etc. will be available

Final Okami version in office

– 16 X 9 mode is perfect
– Runs at 30 FPS, sometimes dips
– Good, not better than Twilight Princess
– Better looking on Wii than on PS2

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IGN Wiikly Review Podcast Summary

By  •  February 25, 2008

HotD 2&3
-pretty much just a port of the Dreamcast 2 and Xbox 3. 60fps though
-stretched at 16:9
-great calibration.
-new exclusive mode for one of the games, info next week
Sega Superstar Tennis
-actually looks pretty good
-at 60fps. chugs a bit during some of the minigames.
-really just like virtua tennis with the Wii remote and Sega characters
-DS game not as elaborate as the console games, barebones even, but still pretty solid
-no online for Wii or DS
-good if you’re bored with Wii Sports
Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword
-Craig doesn’t think it will do well.
-pretty darn fun
-Matt surprised how much he liked it.
-they’re all pretty confident that it’ll be good.
Mario Kart Wii
-visuals: not very pretty
-low poly, shiny texture passover, 60fps, great sense of speed, FUN
-played it for 10 minutes, didn’t really get the hang of it
-More analog than digital compared to excite truck
-finding the center is the biggest problem
-lots of opportunity for boost
-boost is changed to destroy snaking, works quite a bit
-2p split screen online

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Wii-k in review Podcast summary (spoilers)

By  •  February 2, 2008

General podcast info

– Peer, Eduardo, Fran on podcast
– Matt out “sick”

– 3 days straight playing SSBB, including Eduardo
– Podcast mainly about Smash
– Peer thinks original Smash Bros should have been rated higher
– Nintendo thought Smash Bros. 64 was too violent – changed some things for NA version (sound effects)
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IGN Wii-k in review podcast summary

By  •  January 26, 2008

THQ Dan Ryan (associate game designer) on podcast
– Could see another Smackdown game next year
– Matt thinks it’d be crazy, since usually, it’s not considered a yearly franchise
– Bozon thinks first game was a great first step for the franchise
– Fun, great first effort
– Impossible to put in all modes, etc in first game for Wii plus motion controls with no problem
– Ryan says they read reviews, take everything into account
– Can’t confirm/deny there’s another game in the works
– May want to change the game to add more interaction
– Ryan knows fans had like it, but had bigger expectations, went to casual-gaming pick up and play audience
– Anyone could play, have fun with it immediately
– Mii functionality could be taken further – Ryan loves the Wii features, weather channel can be used, mail from characters, etc.

– During the podcast, Matt and Bozon are always shirtless
– Event like last year at Wrestlemania – may get more official news there
– More interesting guests on the show in the future – Ryan exits

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Podcast Reminder

By  •  November 14, 2007


Hey ladies and gentleman!! Just wanted to let you people know that you can check out this past weekends, that was finally posted on Mondays, podcast. By going …
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Debut Podcast: El Koopacabre!!

By  •  November 12, 2007

I’m too excited to even express myself in words right now, so I’ll let Mr. Ron Burgundy tell you for me:

Ladies and gentlemen, can I please have your attention. …
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Wii-k in Review Podcast Summary

By  •  October 26, 2007

Once again thanks to Alkaline from the neogaf forums for the Summary.


– The two receives five more games today, making them even busier than they were last week.
– Capcom have find it difficult to get stores to stock Zack and Wiki – very limited. Chobot and Peer found it different to get their hands on the game. Disappointed because the game is so awesome.

EA Playground
– Matt reviewed it – 6.6
– Wii Sports title that isn’t as good as Wii Sports.
– Overpriced at $49.99
– Bozon likes the slot-car racings, Matt thinks the paper-airplane game is ok.
– Confused as to why MySims and EA Playground didn’t have Mii Support given their distinct styles.

Cosmic Family
– Matt reviewed it – 5.0
– Really meant for young ages.
– Static 2D backdrop with little imagination.
– Has an MS paint-ish program to draw things which is kind of cool.
– Very limited and simple tasks.
– Severely overprived at $49.99
– Don’t bother with it.

– Bozon reviewed it – 6.3
– “Waggle-fest”
– First effort of a 3D fighter on Wii – pretty meh.
– There are much better fighters – DBZ 3 and Naruto.

Dragon Ball Z 3
– Bozon is pretty optimistic about it (gave first game 8.3)
– Kind of unconventional – flying combat, more based on building up super attacks.
– Tons of characters in the game.
– Should turn out really good.

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Wii-k in Review podcast summary

By  •  August 24, 2007


– Teases us a bit about MP3…. just cut to the chase. – SWEET! Metroid Prime music and discussion. – 12:01AM Sunday Night/Monday Morning Review. Review is done …
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IGN Wii-k in Review podcast highlights

By  •  June 2, 2007

– 4 different Scarface control settings (Casual/Normal/Advanced/Expert) with different bounding box sizes. Impressive visuals

– Manhunt 2 “impressively violent”, “ridiculous”. Rockstar wants controversy on Wii. Expecting sales to be good.

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