
Wii Ware

Hudson talks with NeoGaf

By  •  Wii, DS

Over at NeoGaf they held an open question and answer with Hudson. Here is some of the Nintendo questions that came out of it.

Bomberman WiiWare – Yes. It’s coming. Details are still being finalized. It will be different than Bomberman Live. But it’s still the classic Bomberman, if you catch my drift. It’s probably one of the few classic games we are bring out on Wii Ware, but digital download is really where Bomberman shines.

New Bonk – I tell you what, if you really want to dig into some good dirt on Bonk, then you’ll have to listen in on some recent podcasts I did. I go into detail on Bonk about some interesting things happening behind the scenes. It’s really quite fascinating. With that, I’ll let you treasure hunt!

Super Star Soldier R – Super Star Soldier R for Wii Ware is a unique game. It’s a lot like Pacman Championship edition, in that it’s a time based attack mode, where you prove you can get the highest score. The whole concept originated many years ago on the Hudson Caravan. A traveling showcase Hudson did around Japan where hundreds of thousands of people would come out, meet celebrities, play games, and compete (Bomberman, Star Soldier, etc). One of the original Star Soldier games featured a 5 minute mode, specially designed for competition. And we’d used that to prove who was the best out there. That mode is designed to be very complex, and there are many ways to rake up combo points, so trying to master it requires some testing out of different attack patterns. Anyways, it was hugely popular in Japan, so this updated Wii Ware version was originally planned just for that market. We’re evaluating bring out for the US, since most people have never heard of Star Soldier, or the 5 minute mode or the Hudson Caravan. Or 16-shot. But that’s for another thread.

Bomberman Story DS – No, there’s currently no plans to bring Bomberman Story to the US. When we took a look at Bomberman Land and Bomberman Story, it became clear the Bomberman Land franchise was much more fun, and fit better with US tastes, so we brought that one over. There’s just so much more content in that series, not to mention having the full classic battle mode built in to boot.

Dracula X – As for the classic never-before-released-in-the-US version on the Turbo Duo, no final plans on that yet. But we hear you loud and clear. Neogaf <3 Castlevania X. And so do I.

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Special GDC Big Five!!!
17 years ago

Special GDC Big Five!!!

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With such a busy week in the gaming industry because of GDC. It seems like the normal info for the Big Five will not be coming …
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World of Goo Footage, and Screens

Check out the screens here

Nintendo working on Everyone’s Nintendo Channel for a NA Release
17 years ago

Nintendo working on Everyone’s Nintendo Channel for a NA Release

IGN: What kind of setup will consumers have when they boot up Wii Ware? Are there going to be features games that Nintendo spotlights, or can you still gift …
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GDC 2008: Wii Ware Interview

IGN: What specific Wii functionality will creators have access to when making a Wii Ware game? Can they save to SD? Can they do online? Wii Connect 24? Is it …
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Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King Screens
17 years ago

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King Screens

By  •  Wii, Screens

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King is the new official name of the FF:CC Wii Ware game coming to the States with the Wii Ware launch! …
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“LostWinds” – New Wii Ware Game, and first Interview
17 years ago

“LostWinds” – New Wii Ware Game, and first Interview

By  •  Screens

N’Gai: David, what is your WiiWare project?

David Braben, Frontier Developments: It’s a game called LostWinds and it’s about the idea of a wind spirit that has been hidden …
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By  •  Wii

Be sure to read the whole press release because it confirms some new information including:

  • Final Fantasy Crystal Chroncles NA name confirmed
  • 3rd Party support for Balance Board
  • TellTale making new episodic game for WiiWare

WiiWare, Wii Fit, Super Smash Bros. Brawl Shown at Game Developers Conference

REDMOND, Wash., Feb. 20, 2008 – The Game Developers Conference in San Francisco attracts the top creative minds in the video game industry. With that audience on hand, Nintendo announces news that reinforces its commitment to provide entertaining and enriching experiences for veteran and new gamers alike. WiiWare™, Nintendo’s new downloadable game service, launches May 12 and expands development opportunities for developers the same way Wii™ expanded the world of video game players. Wii Fit™, the upcoming title for Wii, launches May 19 and introduces the Wii Balance Board™ peripheral. And Super Smash Bros.® Brawl draws in fans of all kinds.

“We are excited to participate in the Game Developers Conference this year to share with developers and consumers alike our upcoming unique services and products,” said Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of Sales & Marketing. “We are hopeful that they will appreciate our offerings of WiiWare, Wii Fit and Super Smash Bros. Brawl, which represent a trio that will continue to attract new players to the world of video games.”
At the conference, Nintendo speakers will outline a number of plans for the coming months on their respective panels:

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No Demos Planned for Wii Ware

(On whether or not there will be downloadable WiiWare demos) The intention is that the creators will create the game and we’ll make it available on WiiWare after it passes …
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Wiiware Launch, May 12 for US
17 years ago

Wiiware Launch, May 12 for US

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The release dates keep rolling in, and now we have Wiiware confirmed for a US launch on May 12.  So it looks like we’ll get our Wii Ware fix …
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Wiiware Coming In March?

Earlier today we posted a press release from a Dutch developer announcing their Wiiware title “Project Bang.” In that press they mention that, Wii ware will be coming in March. …
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Poll: Lack of Wii stock biggest disappointment, Wii set to lose console wars

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Thursday 13th December/…MCV, the leading trade publication for the videogames industry, has today published the results of its annual independent retailer survey – with the release of Halo 3 being lauded as the best single moment in 2007.Microsoft claimed a triple-whammy, as the publisher was voted the best in terms of overall quality and attitude throughout the year. In addition, Xbox 360 is considered the format to win the next generation battle, with 49 per cent of the vote. PlayStation 3 came second – with 35 per cent – and Wii third with 16 per cent of the vote. It’s probably no coincidence that the Nintendo format’s notoriously tight supply issues was voted the biggest disappointment of the year.

The independents’ biggest concern is the supermarkets – their increased market share was specified by 62 per cent as the biggest problem facing games retailers at the moment. Discounting on new releases – often driven by the same supermarkets – came second in the list of greatest concerns, with 28 per cent of the vote.

Despite this, 85 per cent of stores reported being confident about their business in 2008 – a huge endorsement on the games industry, which continues to generate more and more revenues year by year.

“It’s software, not hardware, which provides a continual revenue stream for UK retail, so it’s no surprise that one of the year’s most celebrated games proved to be the independents’ highpoint,” says Neil Long, editor, MCV. “Of greater concern are the more general supply issues which not only impact takings, but disappoint customers. But despite this, the outlook looks incredibly positive.”

What title will be the All Formats Christmas Number 1?

1. Need For Speed: Pro Street 42%
2. Call of Duty 4 16%
3. Assassin’s Creed 10%
4. Mario Galaxy 6%
5. WWE Smackdown 5%
6. Guitar Hero III 4%
7. FIFA 4%
8. Pro Evo 2008 4%

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Downloadable Content For Wiiware Games

By  • 

Taken from an post:

It happened on the Xbox 360 and PS3, and now it’s going to be happening on the Wii. revealed recently that Bandai Namco’s Mojipittan …
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Nintendo Fall Conference

By  •  Wii

There are many pictures from many different types of games on one page.  To make it easier on you and me I will just post whats on pics are on …
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Nintendo Fall Conference 2007!! Sonic In Brawl!!!

By  •  Wii

Just some fast highlights from the event so far. Keep checking back for more update later.

  • Sonic announced in brawl, Turns into super Sonic. Japanese Release Date for brawl …
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Full Internet Channel LIVE!
18 years ago

Full Internet Channel LIVE!

I just downloaded the full Internet Channel from the Wii Shop Channel! Just go to the Shop Channel and click on ‘Wii Ware’; click on Internet Channel, and click …
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