
Wii U eShop

Review: Words Up! Academy (Wii U eShop)
7 years ago

Review: Words Up! Academy (Wii U eShop)

By  •  Reviews, Wii U

This review was written by PN contributor, Jennifer Gould.

In Words Up! Academy, you are trying to make as many words as you can out of a set of letters. …
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Swap Fire – Sale/Update News
7 years ago

Swap Fire – Sale/Update News

A month or so back, we reviewed a game called Swap Fire on the Wii U eShop. Developer Midnight Status currently has the release on sale, through 2/14. To read our …
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PitterPot Trailer 1 – Welcome to the Garden
8 years ago

PitterPot Trailer 1 – Welcome to the Garden

PNM readers will recognize PitterPot from TreeFall Studios developer diaries. The game seems to be progressing well since we saw it last, as this new trailer shows.

Bear Box Media Announces Scribble for Wii U
8 years ago

Bear Box Media Announces Scribble for Wii U

Inspired by Pictionary, Scribble looks to get the whole family drawing. It’s promising over 1500 words, 17 categories, 5 modes, and more.

Players will also have the option to create …
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Review: Alice in Wonderland (Wii U eShop)
8 years ago

Review: Alice in Wonderland (Wii U eShop)

By  •  Reviews, Wii U

Discover unique and original characters in the amazing world of Wonderland.

The latest visual novel from the indie team at Brave Rock Games, Alice in Wonderland demonstrates some real …
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New Story Trailer For Twisted Fusion
8 years ago

New Story Trailer For Twisted Fusion

By  •  Wii U, Videos

It’s been a while since PN reported on the Wii U eShop title Twisted Fusion.

“With the games official release just around the corner” developer Leuvsion has shared a new story …
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Review: Poncho (Wii U eShop)
8 years ago

Review: Poncho (Wii U eShop)

By  •  Reviews, Wii U

A robot, a poncho and a journey of discovery!

The Wii U eShop is flush when it comes to retro inspired platformers. Part of what makes Poncho from Delve …
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Review – Humanitarian Helicopter (Wii U eShop)
8 years ago

Review – Humanitarian Helicopter (Wii U eShop)

By  •  Reviews, Wii U

Humanitarian Helicopter lives up to its name. It’s a rescue-themed action-adventure title, that has you helping earthquake survivors. Objectives include bringing them to shelter, and supplying food. Obstacles are limited …
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Review: Hot Rod Racer (Wii U eShop)
8 years ago

Review: Hot Rod Racer (Wii U eShop)

By  •  Reviews, Wii U

This arcade style racer plays like an endless runner on wheels. Hot Rod Racer separates itself from some of its other budget contemporaries through a few welcomed features. When all …
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Mini Review: Lost Reavers (Wii U eShop)
8 years ago

Mini Review: Lost Reavers (Wii U eShop)

By  •  Reviews, Wii U

I seem to recall some mild intrigue when Lost Reavers was first announced back in January 2015. Known as Project Treasure at the time, it fell of my radar due …
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Review: Futuridium EP Deluxe (Wii U eShop)
8 years ago

Review: Futuridium EP Deluxe (Wii U eShop)

By  •  Reviews, Wii U

This review was written by PN contributor, James Colozzi. 


Futuridium the core, the fuel, and the challenge!

So I have to say Futuridium EP Deluxe reminds me of …
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Review: Runbow DLC (Wii U eShop)
8 years ago

Review: Runbow DLC (Wii U eShop)

By  •  Reviews, Wii U

I have a confession to make.  I’m not that great of a Runbow player.  I’m the sort that may eliminate my competition, only to stumble into a pit when …
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Review: Midnight 2 (Wii U eShop)
8 years ago

Review: Midnight 2 (Wii U eShop)

By  •  Reviews, Wii U

If you haven’t done so yet, I’d encourage reading my review of the original Midnight.  This sequel is predominantly unchanged.  In fact Midnight 2 could be the poster child for …
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Review: Epic Dumpster Bear (Wii U eShop)
8 years ago

Review: Epic Dumpster Bear (Wii U eShop)

By  •  Reviews, Wii U

Don’t ever underestimate the value of humor in a game.  Epic Dumpster Bear from Log Games isn’t all that much to look at, but it had me and my friends …
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Review: Lovely Planet (Wii U eShop)
8 years ago

Review: Lovely Planet (Wii U eShop)

By  •  Reviews, Wii U

I first played Lovely Planet as part of E3’s Nindie demos. It left me both slightly perplexed, and mildly intrigued.  Now that the finished game has finally released on the …
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Review: Outside the Realm (Wii U eShop)
8 years ago

Review: Outside the Realm (Wii U eShop)

By  •  Reviews, Wii U

Outside the Realm is a small puzzle game from the indie developers at TreeFall Studios.  You control a space junk collecting captain named Amos, who’s out to gather 30 space …
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Review: Space Hulk (Wii U eShop)
8 years ago

Review: Space Hulk (Wii U eShop)

By  •  Reviews, Wii U

This review was written by PN contributor, James Colozzi.

Space Hulk or Space Bulk?

SPACE HULK!!!!!! Where to start? This game is a straightforward no-frills tactics game, or …
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Review: Shadow Puppeteer (Wii U eShop)
8 years ago

Review: Shadow Puppeteer (Wii U eShop)

By  •  Reviews, Wii U

Shadow Puppeteer fell into my review queue with no real expectations attached.  I took the game largely because I knew I’d have a willing co-op partner in my wife. …
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